Contact Us, Bridgeman Engineering

Contact Us

Before you contact us, understand that the pricing of our services is not negotiable, and package pricing will not be split up. We encourage you to try your hand at crafting your own WordPress ( or Wix ( website if you desire a free or cheaper solution.

Our preferred method of contact is the form below. We discourage voice calling as we are very busy.

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Prefered Contact Method

Our email address:
This email is for current and new customer inquiries only. Please do not send us information about your products or services. We will report any emails we feel are spam to our provider, and yours.

Texting or call:

This number is for current and new customer inquiries only. Please do not call to advertise your products or services as this will not result in a sale or us divulging any useful information.

Our office location:

We are located in Jacksonville, Florida 32259, but provide service to the entire United States, its territories, and possibly Canada.

Right to Refuse Service

We reserve the right to refuse service for any reasons. Most notable reasons: adult content, political, hate, misinformation, violence, anti-American content, illegal activity, drug use (legal or not). This is not an exhaustive list.

If you have service with us, but alter your content to anything we deem against our restrictions, we will shut down your site and reimburse you for the remainder of the service month. You will NOT receive a backup of your site from us.

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