Custom Web Content

Custom Web Content

High-quality, relevant custom web content plays a pivotal role in attracting organic traffic from search engines to your site. The more advanced search engines, like Google and Bing, use complex algorithms to assess and rank websites based on the value they provide to users. By regularly updating a website with fresh, informative content, businesses can signal to search engines that their site is active and continually offering valuable information.

Search engine placement based on your desired keywords is where Bridgeman Engineering excels.

Custom Web Content includes:
  • You pick the subject, or we can derive one from your existing content
  • We will create an AI inspired, human edited, post with at least 300 words
  • The content will contain an optimal saturation of search content keywords
  • We will give you a CSV list of helpful tags so your site can use them to organize the page
  • The content will have at least one internal link and one external link
  • We will use an image you supply, or provide a relevant image of our choosing
  • A short meta description will be provided. Some search engines like these
  • Your new page will be fully SEO optimized, and ready to post within two days!
    (It usually takes less than one day)

Subscription Service

We offer a monthly Content Subscription Service, but you must agree to these terms:

  • Payment must be made before content is created or added.
  • We require content contributor access or higher to your site. This allows us to add the new page or post without spending time sending files and instructing you on how to make it live on your site. Sites managed by us already have the necessary access.
  • You can cancel this subscription at any time.

Subscription levels:

  • Level 1: We will add one SEO page or post per month.
    Cost: $9 per month
  • Level 2: We will add two SEO pages or posts per month.
    Cost: $17 per month
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