Bridgeman Engineering Services

Bridgeman Engineering

Jump to: Hosting Packages, Custom Websites, Custom Web Pages/Posts, WordPress Plugins

Our work is generally off-site, but we would be happy to meet with you in person if you live in Jacksonville or Saint Augustine Florida.

Bridgeman Engineering
Bridgeman Engineering

[ Show Details ]

  • Domain Name (***)
  • Managed Website (****)
  • Monthly SEO Report
  • Nightly Backups (*)
  • 2 Professional Email Addresses
  • 2 Content Creator Accounts
  • Plugin Installation, Setup and Management
  • Website Support
  • Website Security Updates
  • Spread your discounted Custom Website Build costs over 1, 2, or 5 years!
  • Cancel Anytime! (**)

This package also includes everything from “Custom Website Only”, at a 20% Discount.

[ Show Details ]

  • Custom Relevant Header Image
  • Full Content with at least 300 words
  • Internal Links
  • External Links
  • Tagged and Categorized
  • SEO Optimized for search engine placement
  • Discounts are available for multiple pages or regular (weekly or monthly) page subscriptions

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  • 3 Search Engine Optimized Pages
  • Images on Every Page
  • Fast and Secure
  • We will build your site using the WordPress platform, which requires a Linux host with a Database Server
  • You can refuse the final product without reason or cost

For more details about web pages, see “SEO Full Content Web Page/Post“.

[ Show Details ]

Do you have a WordPress Plugin idea? Search their plugin repository first to see if it already exists.

If you are unable to locate a free plugin, we can build a database driven, responsive WordPress Plugin custom built for your needs.

Your plugin idea may be worth money. If we decide the plugin is marketable, we will offer a small commission on paid sales.

* You can request a backup copy of your website only after the total full build charge is paid.

** Canceling your service will result in a suspended website, if we are hosting it. Also, you will not receive a site backup unless the total full build charge is paid.

*** Canceling your hosted service may incur a registration and transfer fee for the domain name, if you desire to keep it.

**** With hosting, there is a large discount on your custom website build. Early termination of service will require complete full custom website payment, without the discount, before you can receive a copy of your site and/or a domain ownership transfer.

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